◀️Connecting Telegram

Verification in the Telegram bot

To work with notifications you need to connect your Telegram account to Cryptovizor Verification can be done using the Telegram app.

If you are using the web version of Telegram, verification will not take place.

You can do it from your personal account by pressing the blue button "Confirm Telegram account"

Or follow the link from the alert creation window

After clicking the button or following the link, allow the Telegram app to launch

This will open a dialog with the bot @cvizor_bot

Press the Start button, the /start command will be sent to the chat room

✅ Telegram is connected

If the bot sends you the message "To verify in Cryptovizor service, send your emai you are registered under", it means that you have already verified this Telegram to another account in Cryptovizor.

Use a previously created Cryptovizor account or verify another Telegram account.

Reset Telegram verification

With an active PRO or PRO+ALERTS subscription, you can reset Telegram verification.

Open account page and click on the i sign. In the pop-up window click on Unbind button

Last updated